Relaxation Sessions & Classical Music Commentary

Relax With Music

My mission is to explore the transformative power of classical music and its intrinsic connections with nature.

Did you know?

There is a lot at stake: more than 1 million species are at risk of extinction due to climate change every year; wildfires are ripping through acres of land in Australia and the US; and human lives are being threatened. Mankind depends on the younger generation to solve climate change; yet, climate change triggers anxieties that make us feel helpless about it.

“Music, with its strange emotional way of communicating, is an ideal way to [cross] boundaries to other species and to connect [with one another].”

— David Rothenberg, The Interspecies Musician

In Harmony With Nature

Relax With Music aims to help my audience reduce stress induced by climate change using classical music, offering a way to overcome the psychological barriers preventing us from taking action. It helps its audience accept the reality we face, whilst exploring the possibilities of a sustainable future.

What People Are Saying About The Relaxation Session

“I thought it would be hard to listen to classical music for a long time without feeling bored, but I realized it can be so relaxing and help clear your head. [M]usic can evoke feelings, awakening memories unlike anything else.”

“I never know classical music can be so relaxing and help me concentrate.”

“Perfect! An hour of beautiful music to help me relax!”

Join a session

Ready to experience the power of classical music? Sign up for one of my sessions. I will play a personal collection of soothing pieces, involving a gradual climb towards a dynamic pinnacle, then delivering you into a deep state of relaxation by the end as you get ready for sleep.

Your feedback matters

Send me your suggestions about what I am doing by filling in the following information.